Friday, August 30, 2024

Native PL/SQL Application to Capture Source Code and Configuration Data

I recently completed development and testing on the open source project ODBCapture.

ODBCapture is a native PL/SQL application that can be used to capture self-building scripts (source code and configuration data) for a database.

Existing tools like TOAD, PL/SQL Developer, and SQL*Developer can create “source code” scripts from an Oracle database. They can also create data load scripts from an Oracle database. What they cannot do is create a cohesive set of installation scripts that execute from a single “install.sql” script.

Existing database source code is handled by Liquibase and Flyway which are “diff” engines. These “diff” engines simply track changes to a database. Rarely is the source code from these “diff” engines ever used to create a database from nothing. Typically, the database source code from these “diff” engines require some existing database to get started.

ODBCapture is not a “diff” engine. ODBCapture is unique in its ability to create Oracle database installation scripts that can create different “flavors” of Oracle databases from a common set of source code. This installation occurs after an initialization to an empty database or PDB, such as:

  • Create Database …
  • Create Pluggable Database …
  • Drop Schema …

The published website is

ODBCapture has been successfully tested on these platforms (Click the link).

ODBCapture has been successfully tested on these database object types:

  • Advanced Queue
  • Advanced Queue Table
  • Context
  • Database Link
  • Database Trigger
  • Directory
  • Foreign Key (psuedo-object)
  • Grant, Database Object (psuedo-object)
  • Grant, System Privilege (psuedo-object)
  • Host ACL (psuedo object)
  • PL/SQL Function
  • Java Source
  • Index
  • Materialized View
  • Materialized View Index
  • Materialized View Foreign Key
  • Materialized View Trigger
  • Package Body
  • Package Specification
  • PL/SQL Procedure
  • RAS ACL (psuedo-object)
  • Role
  • Scheduler Job
  • Scheduler Program
  • Scheduler Schedule
  • Sequence
  • Schema Trigger
  • Synonym
  • Table
  • Table Index
  • Table Foreign Key
  • Table Trigger
  • Type Body
  • Type Specification
  • User
  • View
  • View Foreign Key
  • View Trigger
  • Wallet ACL (psuedo-object)
  • XDB ACL (psuedo-object)

ODBCapture has been successfully tested on these database data types:

    • BLOB
    • CHAR
    • CLOB
    • DATE
    • JSON
    • NUMBER
    • RAW
    • VARCHAR2

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