In my previous post "Integrating Jenkins and SQL*Developer's Unit Test", I included a PL/SQL script in the "" file that will delete an SQL*Developer Unit Test Suite. The script file is called "delete_utr.sql". The Makefile in that example uses this PL/SQL script to remove the Unit Test Suite "FIT_blog1" from the Unit Test Repository in the build database. That delete precedes the loading of an updated "FIT_blog1.xml" Unit Test Suite export file into the build database.
Following is the full text from the "delete_utr.sql" script file developed for SQL*Developer 4.0.3:
-- GNU_make_example delete_utr.sql
-- 2015
set serveroutput on size unlimited
sname varchar2(100) := '&1.';
utsid ut_suite.ut_sid%TYPE;
TYPE utids_type is table of ut_test.ut_id%TYPE;
utids utids_type;
num number;
-- Not deleting from ut_metadata
-- Not deleting from ut_lookup_categories
-- Not deleting from ut_lookup_datatypes
-- Not deleting from ut_lookup_values
-- Not deleting from ut_lib_startups
-- Not deleting from ut_lib_dyn_queries
-- Not deleting from ut_lib_validations
-- Not deleting from ut_lib_teardowns
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Deleting Suite ' || sname);
select ut_sid into utsid
from ut_suite where name = sname;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Found UT_SID ' || utsid);
select ut_id bulk collect into utids
from ut_suite_items
where ut_sid = utsid
and ut_id is not null
group by ut_id;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Found ' || num || ' Test UT_IDs');
FOR i in 1 .. utids.count LOOP
delete from ut_test_coverage_stats
where uti_id in (select uti_id from ut_test_impl
where ut_id = utids(i));
delete from ut_test_arguments where ut_id = utids(i);
-- delete cascade on ut_test_impl_arguments
-- delete cascade on ut_test_impl_arg_results
num := num + SQL%ROWCOUNT;
delete from ut_test where ut_id = utids(i);
-- delete cascade on ut_test_impl
-- delete cascade on ut_test_results
-- delete cascade on ut_test_impl_results
-- delete cascade on ut_validations
-- delete cascade on ut_test_impl_val_results
num := num + SQL%ROWCOUNT;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Deleted ' || num ||
' rows for Test UT_ID ' || utids(i));
delete from ut_teardowns where ut_sid = utsid;
delete from ut_startups where ut_sid = utsid;
num := num + SQL%ROWCOUNT;
delete from ut_suite where ut_sid = utsid;
-- delete cascade on ut_suite_items
-- delete cascage on ut_suite_results
-- delete cascage on ut_suite_item_results
num := num + SQL%ROWCOUNT;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Deleted ' || num ||
' rows for Suite UT_SID ' || utsid);
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